According to the news, the whole incident started on Sunday in front of one "Mine Hotel" in Nyaghasang, Atimbo Local Government,Calabar(Cross River State). A young man, while on his way, had to pay attention to a stranger "an aboki" who beckoned on him inside a car, tending to ask for directions.

But while the stranger left, the young man raised the alarm that his manhood had been ceased, leading to street boys rushing to the scene and meeting up with the young man in a nearby location a few meters away from the spot.

The aboki man was clamped down by the street boys, who started beating him, only for the police to arrive at the scene a few minutes later. In a bid to rescue him from the mob, their van got vandalized, and they escaped for their dear lives from the raging mob.

In the turn of events, it became certain the young man's allegation was false due to the fact he had opened up that it was a hallucination (feeling) and not realistic.

Later in the evening, around 6:30 p.m. on the same day, the police mobilized themselves and returned for a revenge mission in nothing less than 3 vans, loaded with innocent youths arrested from the nooks and crannies of the street.

A mature family man was also picked up in a barbershop while the van was moving on.

At the time of filing this report, a young barber by the name of "Ubong" was expected back in the shop by his colleague. According to his colleague "Bobby", he was on his way to buy fuel for his next-door neighbour, who was a female and a shop owner, and did not return earlier as expected.

Unknown to the two parties, the police picked him up while returning, asking him to drop the fuel by the roadside.

On Tuesday, after being released, Ubong narrated that it was an ugly experience as they were all squeezed into the van carriage and kicked and battered by the police without mercy while driving them to the nearby station in Atimbo.

On getting there, they were thrown into the cell with the information that all of them had to be executed the next day, which was a stipulated lie by the police.

The following day, they were taken to the customary court at Afukang, Calabar South, for judgment, but he was bailed by a lawyer, while a few others, deemed to be among those who vandalized the police van, were transferred to the prison at Marina.

Regrettably, a woman told the young man who had at first made a joke about his lack of manliness when she came to the police station to rescue a relative who was among those arrested. However, this young man was also caught in the police net and arrested.

She broke down in tears when she learned that everyone involved in the arrest would eventually be executed, except that money would be raised to buy a new van to replace the one that was broken down.

As a follow-up, there was a bit of tension in Nyaghasang, as shop owners were compelled to lock up before 6:30 p.m. due to the issue on the ground, believing that the uniform men would return and they might be next in line.

As regards the ceasing of manhood ritual cases, On Wednesday, Mr.Obio, a shoe vendor, said, "There was a similar case last week, but this one was real, happening close to the same Mine hotel, where the culprit was caught and nearly killed; the police had to save him from getting lynched by the mob, even when he confessed and restored his victim". 

From the gathered reports, this has been a usual occurrence in the Nyaghasang community, though the government never showed concern at first.

It is ascertained that the ritualists no longer shake hands to cast the spell but are currently using the interaction technique to lure their victims (for instance, asking for directions and so on and so forth).

And when they have been exposed, certain diabolic items are also found in their bags and cars, e.g., feathers, human hair, shaving sticks, razors, powder, and red ribbon.

In the previous weeks, also, an event in this context happened in Owerri, Imo State, believed to be Yahoo Plus, carried out by the notorious Yahoo boys. Apprehended by the mob, their heads were chopped off from their bodies for exhibition while the remaining part was burned.

Would you say this recent happening in Cross River State was as a result of "Yahoo Plus,"?



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